Bauxite Product Release
Everything the front-end team has been up to recently!

This post is another entry in our regular series in which we fill you in twice a month on all the front-end updates we’ve made across our dApps and website. Stay tuned for more updates!
Dashboard updates
We have migrated most of the Synthetix Dashboard to using The Graph protocol for data queries. This improves its performance considerably, as previously loading times could be slow when using the Synthetix API.
Market closure handling
For sFTSE and sNIKKEI, there are periods when their markets are closed and thus their prices are frozen. We have added to the Synthetix.Exchange UI a clear indicator that those assets’ markets are closed. We also hope to add a timer in the near future.
Claims page
The Hadar release introduced a one-week claim window for SNX stakers. We have updated Mintr to reflect this change, no longer showing a two-week window for claims.
Stake Curve pool tokens in the new CurveRewards contract
We have added into Mintr's 'LP Rewards' tab the option to stake your Curve pool LP tokens in the new CurveRewards contract.

Mintr transaction history
There was previously an error displaying SNX stakers’ transaction history in Mintr, where claims would not display properly. This has been fixed, and so has the issue where sUSD trades were showing as mints.
Mintr code refactoring
Various bug fixes and performance improvements have been pushed to Mintr.
Animation effects
Various minor updates have been added to the Synthetix.Exchange landing page and Markets page for a smoother UX.
Thanks for checking out what the front-end team has been accomplishing recently. If you’ve got any front-end requests or feedback to this series, please come join the conversation in Discord.