Vote for sUSD in Compound community vote and you could win 1000 SNX!

Compound's community vote has been underway for a week, and sUSD is currently sitting in fourth place. Thank you to everyone so far who has voted for sUSD to be one of the two assets next listed on Compound.

We'd like to reward people who've already voted and people who have been waiting for an "incentive" to vote by offering a chance to win one of three blocks of 1000 SNX. We'll use the following method:

  • Entrants must vote for sUSD at and use the 'Tweet your Support' option with an active Twitter account afterwards.
  • Anyone who has already voted for sUSD but didn't tweet it out can tweet the following: "I voted to add $SUSD to @compoundfinance - which asset will you vote for?"
  • Once you've voted and tweeted, fill out this form here.
  • Once the vote is complete, we will run a draw in our Discord to select the winners at random.
  • We will only send the SNX to a wallet that has interacted with Compound to avoid spam entries.