Silver product release

This post is another entry in our regular series in which we fill you in twice a month on all the front-end updates we’ve made across our dApps and website. Stay tuned for more updates!

Trade markers added in Synthetix.Exchange

When you make a trade on Synthetix.Exchange, now you can view the time and other details of that trade on the trading chart for that asset.

Ether collateral second trial added to Mintr

With the new second trial of Ether collateral, we have opened up the interface to open/close loans in Mintr once more. We have also linked to the explanatory blog post within the interface to ensure people understand all the relevant information before opening a loan.

Simplified gas popup in Mintr and Synthetix.Exchange

We’ve deprecated the previous gas slider in the dApps in favour of a simpler popup. The custom GWEI input is capped at 1.5x the Fast GWEI number.

Update components of DEFI and CEX on Synthetix.Exchange

With the new s/iDEFI and s/iCEX rebalancing, we have updated Synthetix.Exchange to display the new asset components of each updated Synth.

Bug fixes

  • When using the Transfer SNX option in Mintr it will now only try to transfer your  transferable SNX, i.e. what isn’t staked or escrowed.
  • The Create Market modal in binary options on Synthetix.Exchange would previously close when clicked outside the content area.
  • Pagination for transaction history in Mintr was previously not displayed properly

Thanks for checking out what the front-end team has accomplished recently. If you’ve got any front-end requests or feedback to this series, please come join the conversation in Discord.