Proxy contract cutover on May 10
Next month we'll be cutting sUSD and SNX over to new proxy contracts.

On May 10 at 11pm UTC, we will be cutting over both sUSD and SNX to new proxy contracts. This means any platforms integrated to the old proxies will need to cut over. We understand most platforms are already pointing to the new proxies, so this will only impact a small number of integrations.
Legacy Proxy SNX: 0xC011A72400E58ecD99Ee497CF89E3775d4bd732F.
Legacy Proxy sUSD: 0x57Ab1E02fEE23774580C119740129eAC7081e9D3
ProxyERC20 SNX: 0xC011a73ee8576Fb46F5E1c5751cA3B9Fe0af2a6F
ProxyERC20 sUSD: 0x57Ab1ec28D129707052df4dF418D58a2D46d5f51
The cutover process will be as follows
- On May 10th at 11pm UTC we will switch the ERC-20 proxies to be the primary address from which all events will be emitted. The legacy proxies will continue to function but will not emit events
2. On May 30th we will remove the deprecated proxies from the SNX and sUSD tokens
There is little to no expected impact to users. If you have manually entered the previous proxy addresses into a platform (e.g. Metamask wallet), then those addresses will no longer work and you will need to enter the new proxy addresses.
We announced these new proxy addresses more than six months ago and have left them live for as long as possible, but we need to make this cutover now to accommodate some upcoming contract changes.
For more information on the deprecation of the proxies and some example scenarios, please see our Integration Guide.
If you have any questions about the process please ask the team in Discord or via email at