The sUSD Bridge has been enabled

The sUSD bridge, facilitating transfers between Ethereum Mainnet and Optimistic Ethereum, is live. This functionality is accessible through the Synthetix Staking UI, leveraging a native bridge created by the SNX Grants Council & the Socket bridge aggreator integration. To use the bridge, visit Synthetix Staking UI Bridge.

Steps for Transferring sUSD:

  1. Navigate to the Synthetix Staking UI Bridge.
  2. Select either the native bridge or the instant bridge option:
    • The native bridge allows for sUSD transfers between Optimism and Ethereum Mainnet without slippage.
    • The instant bridge, utilizing Socket Tech, supports bridging any asset to any chain with a fee.

Note: Transferring sUSD from Optimism to Ethereum Mainnet through the native bridge will have a 7-day waiting period.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, join the conversation on Discord.