SNXweave Weekly Recap 99

July 26, 2023
The following post contains a recap of news, projects, and important updates from the Spartan Council and Core Contributors, as well as the Grants Council and Ambassador Council from last week.
With most of the CCs in Paris this past week, we have a quick update for you guys today about what the Grants team and Ambassadors have been up to.
Grants Council
Present at the July 20, 2023 Grants Council meeting:
Grants Team: ALEXANDER, CT, JVK, sunny, synthquest
First and foremost, the Grants Council launched their NFT project last week!!! As CT said in his announcement, this has been a long time coming for them.
The Synthverse is a full lore story, where you will be able to immerse yourself and get to know all of the different Tribes and the world that they live in. The GC plans to give the base lore story over to the community and see how they can grow it into the future. As a reminder, the different Tribes are:
- Human: Spartans
- Human: OG Spartans
- Human: Legendary Spartans
- Human: Demigod Spartans
- Dwarfs
- Elementals
- Mechanoids
- Philosophers
- Alien Elves
- Undead
- Trolls
Over the next couple of weeks, the Council will be sharing more information with the community as they progress through the different phases, which will be as follows:
- Phase 1: Pre-mint 192 NFTs for the Grants Council. This is done ✅, and you can view the initial Phase 1 NFTs minted here
- Phase 2: NFT Auction to help raise awareness of the project, Synthetix and Optimism L2.
- Phase 3: Synthverse LORE reveal
- Phase 4: Community Whitelist Mint of 2,000 NFTs
- Phase 5: Open Mint of 3,000 NFTs (only if demand is high)
- Phase 6: Additional Mint phases can be opened up — until we reach the max cap of 10k NFTs — if the demand is there.
And don’t forget to look for the rare meme items! These will be:
- “Head of DeFi”
- “Cat-in-a-hat-Sam hat”
- “Beer mug”
- “Duck”
- “Sunglasses”
- “Earphones”
- “Panda Cape”
The Council is very excited to have finally launched this project, and they are currently hoping to push NFT rewards already earned to the community sooooon.
The Grants team has also been discussing a big bounty for a recent community project for preventative maintenance. And, lastly for them, their Community Governance Manual is looking good! Feedback from the second editor has been provided, and they are hoping to be ready soon for referral to the CCs for feedback before publishing.
Ambassador Council
Present at the July 18, 2023 Grants Council meeting:
Ambassadors: GUNBOATs, Mastermojo, Westie
In Ambassador Council updates, the team discussed Optimism and Arbitrum governance last week, and created a delegate profile to govern Lyra. You can check out their delegate statement here! They also discussed the Chainlink Spartan Space that Westie and Mastermojo joined last week. The team had over 220 audience members, which is one the highest number of listeners in any Spartan Space thus far.