Voting for the next epoch’s Synthetix Councils!

Voting for the next epoch's Synthetix Councils (Spartan, Grants, Treasury, and Ambassador Council) are now open! As per SCCP-78, the epoch lasts for 3 months, from April 5 to July 1 (UTC). All elected council members will receive a monthly stipend from the Synthetix Treasury of 2,000 SNX per month.

Voting is closing April 5th, please ensure to vote ASAP!

Synthetix Council Details

Each of the councils at Synthetix serves a different and vital role in running the Synthetix protocol. Here are some quick details about each council.

Governing Bodies

Short Description

Treasury Council (4 Members)

The Treasury Council manages the Synthetix Treasury and provides funding to the other governance bodies, CC stipend payments, and other discretionary incentives.

Spartan Council (8 Members)

The Spartan Council (SC) is the central governing body of the Synthetix protocol. The SC votes on overall improvement proposals and parameter changes.

Grants Council (5 Memebrs)

The Grants Council is a value-based Synthetix elected body whose ultimate goal is to fund beneficial and high-quality public goods projects through grants, initiative bounties, or competition prizes.

Ambassador Council (3 Members)

The Ambassador Council actively promotes and advocates for the interests of Synthetix in the overall Ethereum (and DeFi) ecosystem.

Election Timeline

  • Nominations Open 18th March 0:00 UTC
  • Nominations Close 25th March 0:00 UTC
  • Voting Begins 29th March 0:00 UTC
  • Voting Ends 5th April 1:00 UTC
  • New Epoch Start 5th April 1:00 UTC

Nominating Guidelines

To be in the running for the next epoch's Synthetix Councils, community members "must tag either "Matt" | Synthetix" or "Andy | Synthetix" in the Synthetix Discord to inform them of their intentions, along with a wallet address they can vote from (and receive stipend payments).

Please nominate yourself in the below channel that corresponds to the council you'd like to run for.

- Ambassador Council ( #ambassador-council-nominations )

- Grants Council ( #grants-council-nominations )

- Spartan Council ( #spartan-council-nominations )

- Treasury Council (#treasury-council-nominations)

Election Voting Info and Eligibility

To be able to vote in the election, one must be an SNX staker at the fee period snapshot before the start of the election period. The nomination period will last until March 25, at which point the election begins and will last until April 5th.

Voting in an interface on the Synthetix Staking dApp. Please ensure you're connected to Optimism when voting.

Any Questions?

If you have any further questions about the Synthetix Council elections, please come join us in Discord in the #governance channel.