Come help us translate Mintr!

We are excited to announce that as part of the Mintr v2 release we are using a translation module to provide multilingual support. We hope this will help expand the Synthetix community by allowing non-English speakers to participate as SNX stakers.

Here is the current batch of languages supported on Mintr:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Chinese (traditional)

Once a translation has been submitted, our team will review the quality of the translation and provide the bounty once it’s merged and sent to production. If several translations are submitted for one language, we will select the best translation.

To submit a Mintr translation, create a Github account and follow these instructions:

  • Fork the repo using the 'Fork' button in the top-right corner
  • Create a language folder using your language code in the public/locales folder. E.g. for Spanish, it was public/locales/es
  • Copy the public locales/en/translation.json file
  • Paste it into your language folder, e.g. public/locales/es/translation.json
  • Translate the English into your language
  • Submit a PR back to this repo with the 'New pull request' button

If you've got any questions, come join us in Discord!