Attn. HAV Holders: Vote now about EOSIO!

Having announced last week that Havven is coming to the EOSIO blockchain, we’re excited to hear what our token holders think.

We’re pleased to announce that, through tokenvote’s decentralised voting and petition tool, all HAVeth holders have the opportunity to express their thoughts on the HAVeos token distribution plan. The current plan is for 50% of the 100m HAVeos tokens to be airdropped to HAVeth holders, and the other 50% to be sold privately.

You can vote here.

The EOSIO announcement is in line with our team’s belief in the need for blockchain agnosticism, which you can read more about here.

Please note that the results of this vote will be non-binding. The intention of this vote is to gauge the thoughts of the Havven community around the announcement. Each voting wallet must hold HAV (to be eligible to vote) and ETH (to send your vote).

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